Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One So Unworthy

Oh Jesus what you have done ... for me?
Precious Saviour, suffered for one so unworthy.

What words could I offer to one such as you?
What can I give Lord, what can I can I do?

With my arms wide open I give you my heart!
I tear it asunder! I tear it apart!

Oh Lord shine your light into every crack, every crevice.
Reveal unto me my sin, that I might come unto full repentance.

I repent Lord! I am a sinner! It's awful, it's true!
I turn from this world I turn unto you!

Your Glory it shines from Heaven above!
Until this moment, only now do I know love.

Oh Jesus my Lord, my Master, my Teacher of Truth;
I submit my life, I abandon it all, I give it all to you!

I hunger; I thirst; so desperately to the utmost.
Fill me Lord; please fill me with your Holy Ghost.

Oh my Lord you are a wonder in all that you do.
With all my heart, soul and strength, I do love you.

Oh Lord your Grace, your Mercy, how can it be?
That you have done so much for one, so unworthy as me.

Praise you Jesus Christ, Thank you Lord, Amen.

Steven C. Moore